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Cloud to Edge AI with a Mobile Database Platform
등록일 2023.08.29
관련링크 https://thenewstack.io/cloud-to-edge-ai-with-a-mobile-database-platform/

ㅇ 출  처 : THE NEW STACK 

ㅇ 보도일 : 2023. 08. 28.

ㅇ 내  용

Edge computing is a technical architecture that extends data processing from the cloud to the edge, moving it closer to the point of interaction, including onto mobile devices.

From the database perspective, a typical architecture includes a database in the cloud, a database at the edge in an edge data center and embedded databases running within apps on edge devices like phones and tablets, all linked via data synchronization for consistency. Modern mobile database platforms combine all of these capabilities.

|This architecture provides four distinct advantages for applications: Speed, Resilience, Data governance, Bandwidth efficiency

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