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How Multi-Access Edge Computing Will Impact the Future of Smart Cities
등록일 2023.08.25
관련링크 https://statetechmagazine.com/article/2023/08/how-multi-access-edge-computing-will-impact-future-smart-cities

ㅇ 출  처 : StateTech 

ㅇ 보도일 : 2023. 08. 24.

ㅇ 내  용

Cities around the world are increasingly investing in smart city technology to deliver economic, social and environmental benefits for their constituents. As the adoption of this technology grows, so too must the underlying technology infrastructure and applications. Today’s smart city investments must be future proofed to support ongoing innovation and to continue to deliver ROI on scarce public IT resources over time.

MEC typically is hosted in the same physical edge hardware as the radio access network of the 5G private and public network, hence applications running on MEC have real-time access to RAN information and location services. Smart city innovators are quickly discovering the unmatched power of MEC to drive complex new use cases for highly resilient and sustainable smart city initiatives.

 - Enhancing the Power and Speed of Edge Computing

 - MEC Drives Transformative Capabilities

 - Future-Proofing Smart City Investments with MEC

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