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How 6G networks will transform enterprises
등록일 2023.07.07
관련링크 https://technologymagazine.com/articles/how-6g-networks-will-transform-enterprises

ㅇ 출  처 :   Technogogy 

ㅇ 보도일 : 2023. 07. 07.

ㅇ 내  용

With the relatively recent development of 5G networks, 6G might seem to some like a distant ambition. Yet, already, the next generation networking is poised to unleash a new era of innovation, connectivity, and transformative possibilities.

According to a report by the 5G Infrastructure Association, 6G will bring ‘a near-instant and unrestricted complete wireless connectivity’, with the technology set to radically reshape the way enterprises operate.

Although 5G networks have brought faster speeds and lower latency, 6G is poised to take these advancements to unprecedented levels.

As Victor Holmin, Director of Portfolio and Consulting at World Wide Technology, describes, 6G will represent a move ‘beyond communications’

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