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How 5G can contribute to greater national security
등록일 2022.10.25
관련링크 https://www.fedscoop.com/video/how-5g-can-contribute-to-greater-national-security/

ㅇ 출  처 :  FEDSCOOP

ㅇ 보도일 : 2022.10.24

ㅇ 내  용

|5G mobile edge computing is poised to help federal agencies operate more efficiently and securely. The technology can do so by wirelessly connecting a wider range of devices and applications operating over federal networks.

|In a recent FedScoop panel, NSA’s Technical Director Neal Ziring discusses why and how 5G is going to help agencies better protect national security.

“Just the latency and performance characteristics of 5G are going to allow the military services defense agencies, like NSA, to deploy new applications, using mobile edge compute and multi-axis edge compute,” he explains. “We’ll be able to put data out forward closer to the users that need it and offer them services with a much shorter turnaround time.”

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