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The 5 biggest computer vision trends in 2022
등록일 2022.06.02
관련링크 https://www.recyclingtoday.com/article/top-five-computer-vision-trends-2022-sponsored-content/



ㅇ 출  처 :  recycling today

ㅇ 보도일 : 2022.06.01

ㅇ 내  용

Computer vision is one of the most exciting applications of artificial intelligence.

The value of the market in computer vision technology is predicted to hit $48 billion by the end of 2022 and is likely to be a source of ongoing innovation and breakthroughs throughout the year.

 - Data-centric computer vision

 - Health and safety

 - Rertail

 - Connected and autonomous cars

 - At the edge

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