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[ETSI Webinar] What"s new in the ETSI MEC Sandbox
등록일 2021.12.13
관련링크 https://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/12761/523542?utm_source=brighttalk-recommend&utm_campaign=mysubscriber_weekly_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=nowscheduled&utm_term=502021

ㅇ 출  처 : BrightTALK

ㅇ 내  용 

| 최근 전문가들은  MEC Application 및 Service Enablement APIs(MEC011), the Application Mobility Service(MEC021), 그리고 MEC 샌드박스의 emulated 에지 네트워크  내에서 지리적으로 분산된 네트  MEC platform 등 MEC 서비스와 기능을 MEC Sandbox에 추가로 도입 

| 이러한 새로운 기능을 시연하여 에지 애플리케이션 개발자들에게 MEC Sandbox를 새롭게 소개하는 웨비나를  2022년 2월 10일 11:00pm(Asia/Seoul) 개최할 예정이며, 청중과 질의응답 시간도 가질 예정 


| Recently, a team of experts has introduced additional MEC services and capabilities into the Sandbox, such as the MEC Application and Service Enablement APIs (MEC011), the Application Mobility Service (MEC021), and MEC platforms that are geographically distributed within the MEC Sandbox's emulated edge network. 

| This webinar will re-introduce developers to the MEC Sandbox by demonstrating these new catabolites. Via hands-on examples, experts will show where to find and access the MEC Sandbox, how to create a MEC Application instance, as well as how to advertise and discover a MEC Service. The experts also be available to take audience questions. 

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